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Guest Feature: Cycling the Jordan River Trail from Thanksgiving Point to Utah Lake
LEHI, Utah – On Friday, September 2, 2022, Thanksgiving Point announced a multi-year naming rights partnership with Mountain America Credit Union. The dinosaur museum, housing one of the world’s largest collections of mounted dinosaurs, will be named the Mountain America Museum of Ancient Life.
As part of the naming rights agreement, Mountain America members will be able to participate in Mountain America Tuesdays at Thanksgiving Point in September and October. By presenting and using their Mountain America card, guests will receive $5 off youth and adult admission to all five museums on Thanksgiving Point property. Additionally, Mountain America will host community financial education events each year, providing the local community greater access to financial education resources.
“Mountain America is honored to partner with Thanksgiving Point to promote curiosity and education,” says Sterling Nielsen, president and chief executive officer at Mountain America Credit Union. “It’s important to Mountain America that community members have access to programs and activities that foster development and a love of learning. In addition, this partnership allows us to provide our community with financial education offerings at this world-class property.”
The partnership will also support other initiatives at Thanksgiving Point, including:Advertisement
• Every Kid Counts: Mountain America will help promote and support Thanksgiving Point’s Every Kid Counts initiative. Every Kid Counts helps bring hands-on science learning to life for economically disadvantaged kids throughout Utah and allows children using WIC and SNAP benefits to visit Thanksgiving Point for free.
• Luminaria: Mountain America will be the presenting sponsor for Luminaria, the winter light extravaganza hosted in the Ashton Garden during the holiday season.
• I-15 Marquee: Mountain America will be the presenting sponsor of the marquee freeway sign at Thanksgiving Point and will receive advertising and display rights throughout the agreement.
“Thanksgiving Point and Mountain America share a commitment to innovation and excellence,” said McKay Christensen, Chief Executive Officer at Thanksgiving Point. “These shared values will give thousands of kids opportunities to get curious at our satellite locations, in schools, and at Thanksgiving Point. We are grateful to magnify our mission to bring the joy of learning and wonders of the natural world to life.”
Lehi Historical Society and Archives to post 36 historical markers; nominations requested
Thanksgiving Point Scarecrow Festival calls for submissions
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