“It’s Always Sunny in Easton” by Charles Newman.
“Red Cans” by Charles Newman.
“It’s Always Sunny in Easton” by Charles Newman.
“Red Cans” by Charles Newman.
EASTON — Studio B Art Gallery is excited to announce the addition of Charles Newman to the gallery’s featured artist roster. Newman will join the studio this fall and attend a special reception during Easton Night Out on Friday, Sept. 2. Come see his artwork and enjoy great conversation during the “Art Salon” reception from 5-8 p.m.
Newman received his Master’s Degree in Fine Art from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in 2008, focusing on plein-air painting. Newman resides in Haddon Township, New Jersey, and does en plein air painting around his neighborhood, in Philadelphia, and wherever else he goes. He is also an accomplished craftsman and currently works at Provenance in Philadelphia, specializing in architectural salvage materials and antiques. He is known for his hand-crafted frames made with salvaged wood and custom home restorations.
Newman describes himself as a representational painter seeking to capture an experience or sensation in his artwork, so that the painting is felt.
“Painting on site, en plein air, I strive to understand the effects of light and the moods and emotions it evokes from my surroundings,” Newman said. “Many of my works are done alla prima, which means wet into wet, mostly completed in one session in order to achieve a fresh and harmonious representation of light.”
Newman has received numerous awards from plein air festivals along the East Coast, and was featured in the August/September 2018 issue of Plein Air Magazine, and featured in Southwest Art Magazine for the “Five Artists to Watch.” He was also awarded Best in Show at the Philadelphia Sketch Club’s 150th annual Small Oil Painting Exhibition; Second Place Award at Plein Air Easton and Cape Ann Plein Air in 2019; First Place Quick Draw Cape Ann Plein Air 2021; Judge’s Award and Artists Choice Award for Oxford Paint Out in Plein Air Easton 2022; Third Place Award for Oil Painters of America Summer Online Showcase.
“Charles is a great artist and wonderful person,” Studio B Art Gallery Owner Betty Huang said. “I am so happy to feature his brilliant works of art at Studio B.”
Easton’s Labor Day Jazz Experience also has an exciting start on Friday, Sept. 2, with Charles Newman as part of the festivities. The kickoff includes free live music downtown, events and the first of three concerts at the Avalon Theatre; all concerts feature the most acclaimed jazz musicians in the country. After the Art Salon reception at Studio B, Newman will be heading down the street to the Avalon Theatre where his easel will be set and ready to capture the electric jazz scene as Dominick Farinacci and Triad captivates the audience with the Friday night show. Tickets for the Avalon concerts can be found by visiting avalonfoundation.org or calling 410-822-7299 for more information.
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