Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Quest Guide - Where to find all quests and how to complete them | RPG Site

2022-07-29 20:13:43 By : Mr. Jayden Ysun

Much like its predecessors, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has a lot of quests. Unlike Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, thankfully, there seem to be no quests that can be missed permanently due to story progression, so you are free to explore at your leisure and find quests at your own pace, without worry about anything missable.

Most quests in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 are relatively straightforward. Follow the on-screen markers and more often than not you'll be able to complete a quest without any issue. Some quests may have some choices to make or items to find, and we'll help out as we can in those cases. However, with such a big world sometimes it's hard to know when quests become available. For the most part, you can think of this guide a bit like a checklist, to make sure you've encountered all the quests you can in each chapter of the game.

A warning: this guide will have some minor spoilers for certain Hero characters, as each Hero has several quests connected to them. Some sidequest names may also have some minor story spoilers. We attempt to keep spoilers to a minimum, but if you want to follow the guide but avoid some minor spoilers, I would advise against reading ahead, particularly in the Post-Game section, where we've placed a larger warning.

Without further ado, the quests found in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 can be found below, separated by chapter. If there are any questions, omissions, or mistakes, let us know in the comments!

As this game is a brand new release, this guide is still undergoing some final polishes

While "Big Friendly Friend" itself is not a game -long quest, it is the start of a game-long quest chain involving Colony 30. To proceed through this quest-line, you'll have to give items to the Nopon Repapa at several different points throughout the game.