Quests form a huge part of the experience of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and in tried and true RPG tradition, much of the content in this huge game is actually attached to various optional side quest lines. This page is a complete quest walkthrough guide, featuring all quests in Xenoblade 3 and details on exactly how to complete each and every one of them.
This guide is now complete, meaning it features how to start and complete every quest in XC. As such, this guide will also contain minor spoilers, including around the identities of hero characters, as each hero has several quests connected to them. Sidequest names also occasionally allude to certain story events. We've tried to keep spoilers to a minimum, but if you want to follow the guide and avoid spoilers, we advise against reading ahead.
In truth, most quests in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 are relatively straightforward. In most cases, you simply need to follow the on-screen markers, and more often than not you'll be able to complete any given quest without any issue.
Some quests might have hard choices to make, fiddly quest start methods, or hidden items to find, however - and this guide will help you with that, offering bare-bones walkthroughs for each of the quests, including how to start them.
In particular, with such a big world as in Xenoblade 3, it's sometimes hard to know when quests become available. For the most part, you can think of this guide a bit like a checklist, to make sure you've encountered all the quests you can in each chapter of the game - though it also features mini-walkthroughs on how to beat all quests in the game.
There is one thing we should note, which is about missable quests. Unlike some previous Xenoblade titles, there thankfully seem to be no quests that can be missed permanently due to story progression, so you are free to explore at your leisure and find quests at your own pace, without worry about missing anything.
Without further ado, the quests found in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 can be found below, separated by chapter. If there are any questions, omissions, or mistakes, let us know in the comments!
This is a game-long quest that will require you to collect stones from several Nopon caravans found throughout the game. As far as I know, none of these are missable. The list below is the order I found them in. You won't be able to complete this quest until Chapter 6.
Hero Quests are more-involved quests that will result in a new Hero unit joining your party. Some of these quests are required for main story progress, but many are optional. They are somewhat akin to Rare Blade quests in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, although no gacha elements this time. Ethel's Hero Quest is a little different because, unlike most Heroes, she won't stay in your party for long whereas other Heroes can be in your line up whenever you want. You will, however, keep her class for your main six party members to use.
This is another game-long quest, comprised of several sub-quests. You'll only be able to do two to start, with the rest becoming available later in the game. You won't be able to complete this quest until Chapter 6, after you finish Teach's Ascension Quest.
This is actually one of the weirdest quests in the game, in terms of how you unlock the quest and how to proceed with it. This will require a bit of a lengthy description, so bear with me. The very first part of the quest is an optional scene you'll see with Alexandria south of Colony 4, at a ? symbol on the map. You actually won't get the quest added to your log at this point, and not for quite a while. Once you see this scene, you can continue heading west into the "Elaice Highway" area on the west side of Fornis. This is an area with level 40ish enemies, but if you've been exhausting the map in Chapter 3, you may end up being capable enough to take this area on. You'll find Colony Iota here, and a boss fight with Alexandria and her 4 subordinates - Fili, Chelle, Rhyza, and Sequoia. If you want, you can beat this fight right now, and finish the quest. However, this quest also has some optional objectives you can complete before fighting Alex. There are four of these, one for each subordinate (Fili, Chelle, Rhyza, and Sequoia). After you've seen the initial scene with Alex, four more ? symbols appear on the map - 3 in Fornis and 1 in the Pentelas region. At each of these symbols, you can fight one of the sub-ordinates. If you beat them here, they'll be removed from the battle with Alex at Colony Iota, making that battle easier. These optional battles are found at ? symbols in the following areas
Team Chelle East of Conqueror's Peak (Fornis Region, Chapter 3)
Team Rhyza south of Selias Terrace Camp (Fornis Region, Chapter 3)
Team Sequoia in the Great Cotte Falls area (Pentelas Region, Chapter 4)
You'll notice that one of the optional battles, Sequoia, can only be done in Chapter 4 (very early in the chapter). So even if you are the type so exhaust optional content before moving on with the main story, you may want to consider leaving this quest until Chapter 4. You may be wondering "is there a point to doing the optional fights?" and the answer seems to be "yes, barely". It seems completing the optional fights against the four subordinates will have a net positive effect on Colony Iota's affinity chart. In the long run, it's hard to say if this matters at all by the end of the game, but if you are the type hoping to have the best NPC interactions available on the Affinity Chart, it might be just best to wait. It's up to you.
While "Big Friendly Friend" itself is not a game -long quest, it is the start of a game-long quest chain involving Colony 30. To proceed through this quest-line, you'll have to give items to the Nopon Repapa at several different points throughout the game.
Dorin and Bambam have their own little quest line throughout the game. This is the first one in their set. Yay.
This is the 2nd quest in the Dorin and Bambam saga. Woo.
Note: Chelle will mention that you have to decide carefully who to send Colony Iota Goods to with the Collectopaedia Card system. Don't fret over this, just send to whoever. You'll unlock more Colony Iota quests later to earn more Colony Iota Goods to send elsewhere. Make sure you do this, since some quests later will require it!
As a general note, it's probably worth mentioning that quests from Chapter 4 on may require quests from previous chapters in the same region in order to be available. For example, the next quest in the list - "A Difficult Transition" - will obviously have required you to have recruited Zeon into your party, and perhaps other Colony 9 follow-up quests. So, if you see a quest in the list below but you cannot find it yourself, first try completing other quests you might have in the same location.
This is is the third quest featuring Dorin and Bambam. Wow.
This is the first quest in the 'Mysterious Raiders' questline. Hmm.
This is the second quest in the 'Mysterious Raiders' questline. Hmm.
Each Hero has a second quest with a yellow symbol known as an 'Ascension Quest'. These are what allows that Hero's class rank cap to raise from 10 to 20. It seems that for several Ascension Quests, you may need the classes's main inheritor to get the class level to 10, before the quest will appear. So in the case of Zeon, you may need Noah at rank 10 with Guardian Commander.
Instead of Ascension Quests, each of the six main characters has a "Side Story" quest, which will result in a class rank unlock for their respective starting class.
This is the 4th quest in the Dorin and Bambam saga. Yippee.
Some of the later quests in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 have a somewhat annoying requirement in order to unlock, and this quest is the first example. In order to activate "Inescapable Past", you have to have Alexandria in your party, and then a ? symbol will appear in Colony Iota. If she's not in your party, you will not see that symbol. That means there are a handful of quests that are hard to find, because that require you to have a certain hero, at a certain time, in a certain spot. As far as this guide goes, I'll list out the quests that require you to have a certain Hero in your party in order to see the quest on your map, but it's worth keeping this strange requirement in mind.
These last 4 quests in Chapter 5 take place during an end-chapter sequence of events, after you begin the infiltration of the prison. Don't look for these quests until you've done everything else you've wanted to do in Chapter 5 first.
A lot of stuff happens at the end of Chapter 5, huh? In any case, Go ahead and continue with story scenes until you step foot into the Upper Aetia region, then start seeking out quests. I'll also mention again that many of these quests are follow-ups from previous quests in their respective regions, and probably require those quests to be completed first. If you've been following this guide, you should be good.
Update To solve this quest as efficiently as possible, use the following pairs:
Greedy and Indulgent Dainty and Adamant Naughty and Considerate Gourmet and Excitable Naughty and Brawny
Thanks to commenter Xereseo for this! Original This is considered a quest event in Colony Mu, but it doesn't have an actual quest name associated with it. I have to be honest, I don't really understand how this breeding minigame works. I was able to clear it, but I couldn't tell you how specifically to do so. From what I can tell, raising Armus comes in three stages, where you have to give Tussore items to feed them for each stage. After that, you'll have to pick a pairing to breed. Then after it rains, you'll get some items. Most of the time, you revert to stage 1 and have to start the process over, but eventually you'll be able to clear the quest vent. For the three stages of feeding Arduns/Armus, I believe these are the best foods to use, based on availability.
2nd stage: Cracker Nut gives you 20%, can buy in Colony 9
3rd stage: I believe you can only buy the 2% items here, which sucks
Dish Philodendron, buy in Castle Agnus
Frangible Yam, but in Castle Keves (you haven't been here yet if you are following this guide sequentially.)
The Ardun/Armu types you end up with seem to be randomized. I can tell you that the pairing that allowed me to clear this event was Naughty/Brawny, but I'm not sure how to dictate which types are available. We'll update this as we learn more!
The third quest in the 'Mysterious Raiders' quest line. :O
The 5th quest in the Dorin and Bambam cinematic universe. Cool.
The final tale of Dorin and Bambam.
Once the story is over, a handful of quests unlock. Below here will be spoilers for those final quests - and if you want to just read about what happens at the end-game, check our New Game Plus and Post Game Content guide. Otherwise, keep scrolling...