Recreate Van Gogh's The Starry Night in LEGO!
A little fine art never hurt anyone, especially after a couple years of pandemic-induced deprivation, and now grown-up LEGOers can get in on one of the great classic works by reconstructing Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” block by block. (It’s basically the same thing as painting it yourself, right?)
The new kit debuted on, and while it’s not available to order yet, you can get in on the VIP preorder by registering for a LEGO VIP account. (This involves signing up for a free LEGO account and then following the prompt for the VIP registration on the next page. This is also free and very useful if you want to stay on top of new drops and pre-sales before everyone else.)
If you have a VIP account or found yourself suddenly compelled to register one, you’ll be able to order the “Starry Night” set starting on May 25. The rest of the masses must wait until June 1 to score the art-inspired set.
No matter how you acquire this set, once it arrives you’re in for a heck of a build: The kit, which brings Van Gogh’s masterpiece to life in 3D, contains 2,316 pieces, which means there’s going to be some serious time spent on this. (Please don’t vacuum any of them up.) The final product will be 12 inches call by 15 inches wide and 5 inches deep, meaning it’ll make for a great showpiece on your hallway table, in your living room, or on top of your office desk. You can also frame it if you really want to show it off (the hook is included).
Somewhat adorably, the set also includes a miniature Van Gogh (with both ears intact, we think), who is positioned painting away at his easel — which, in a meta-moment, features the “Starry Night” painting pretty much all completed. The mini Van Gogh can be attached to the 3D LEGO build by means of an adjustable arm, which makes it look like he’s painting the scene at hand from a distance.
Purchase the set online for $169.99 once the sale kicks off for VIPs or for normal people — either way, you’ll want to head to to do it.