Jackson County Fair 2022, live local events, wineries & more: July 8 – Medford News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | Mail Tribune

2022-07-15 20:04:19 By : Mr. Smileda Smileda

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The Jackson County Fair returns this year with food, fun and entertainment, including live music performances.

With a full array of family-friendly fun, including kiddie rides, tried-and-true family favorites and over-the-top twisters, games and prizes, there is something for everyone.

The annual county fair runs Wednesday through Sunday, July 13-17, at the Expo, 1 Peninger Road, Central Point.

Fair hours are 2 to 11 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, 11 a.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday.

The headline acts include multi-platinum, Grammy award-winning artist Nelly on Wednesday, July 13; Chris Lane, Thursday, July 14; Sawyer Brown, Friday, July 15; and Eagles tribute band, Hotel California, Saturday, July 16. Also look for 4-H and FFA junior livestock exhibition and auctions, All-Alaskan Pig Racing, Creative Arts exhibits, The Fair Marketplace, food vendors and much more.

Tickets are $12 for ages 13 to 61; $6 for ages 62 to 74; and free for ages 75 and older. Sunday admission is free for everybody.

All concerts will be free with your paid fair admission. For $85, you can purchase a Golden Wristband for unlimited carnival rides for all 5 days, or $30 in advance or $40 at the gate for a ride wristband for the day. For a full listing of events and details, or to purchase tickets, see attheexpo.com or call 541-774-8270.

Preschool Puppet Theatre: Join Sammy Salmon and friends as they discover the wonders of our natural world at 10:30 a.m. the second Friday of each month on the lawn in front of the North Mountain Park Nature Center, 620 N. Mountain Ave., Ashland. Admission is $10. A short environmental lesson will be followed by the puppet show and playtime. A craft or hands-on activity will follow. No late seating is allowed. For further information see ashlandparksandrec.org, email at parksinfo@ashland.or.us or call 541-488-5340.

Spanish Language Group: English speakers with at least an intermediate knowledge of Spanish can meet at 11 a.m. Fridays, at the Medford Senior Center, 510 East Main St. Look for casual, supportive conversation and interpretation. Native speakers are welcome to help. Call 541-499-6646.

Teen Movie Matinee: Teens can watch adventure, treasure and pirate-themed movies, followed by casual chat about the film from 1 to 3 p.m. every Friday through August, at the Medford library, 205 S. Central Ave. Films will be rated G through PG-13. For further details and a full listing of film titles, see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-774-8679.

Bob Haworth: Singer-songwriter Bob Haworth, formerly a member of the bands of The Brothers Four and The Kingston Trio, will perform at 4:45 p.m. Friday, July 8, at The Urban Cork, Urban Cork, 340 N. Fir St., Medford. See theurbancork.com or call 541-779-1788.

Slopes & Trails: Slopes & Trails will host a free meet-and-greet at 5 p.m. Friday, July 8, at Rellik Winery, 970 Old Stage Road, Central Point. The nonprofit organization provides social and recreational activities. Proof of COVID-19 vaccination required. See slopes.org.

Allison Scull and Victor Martin: Singer-songwriter and guitarist Allison Scull and sax player Victor Martin will play a mix of folk, jazz, blues and pop, along with Scull singing some of her original songs in French at 5 p.m. Friday, July 8, at DANCIN Vineyards, 4477 S. Stage Road, Medford. Call 541-245-1133 or dancin.com.

Modern Prometheus Jazz Company: The modern jazz group — Tom Stamper on drums, Jeff Addicott on bass, John Mazzei on keyboards, and special guest Mike Fitch on percussion — will perform improvisational jazz winding through decades of the American Jazz experience at 5:30 p.m. Friday, July 8, at Bloomsbury Blends, 290 E. Main St., Ashland. See bloomsburyblends.com or call 541-708-0608.

Jeff Kloetzel: Singer, songwriter and guitar player Jeff Kloetzel will play an acoustic mix of pop, folk and soul, along with original songs at 5:30 p.m. Friday, July 8, at Dunbar Farms Rocky Knoll Winery, 2881 Hillcrest Road, Medford. See dunbarfarms.com or call 541-414-3363.

Rogue Suspects Lite: Singer Shae Celine and/or Jennifer Davis, guitar player Dirk Price, bassist Greg Frederick, will perform at 5:30 p.m. Friday, July 8, at Hummingbird Estate Winery, 1677 Old Stage Road, Central Point. See hummingbirdestate.com or call 541-930-2650.

Gypsy Rogue: Guitarists Dan Fellman and Dayton Mason will perform a variety of jazz and swing styles at 6 p.m. Friday, July 8, at Belle Fiore Winery, 100 Belle Fiore Lane, Ashland. See bellefiorewine.com or call 541-552-4900.

Steve Shine Jazz Trio: The trio — Steve Shine, Tom Stamper and Vernocia D’Leon — will play a mix of jazz, R&B, blues and current music at 6 p.m. Friday, July 8, at South Stage Cellars, 125 S. Third St., Jacksonville. See southstagecellars.com or call 541-899-9120.

Jen Ambrose: Singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Jen Ambrose will play a mix of original blues, soul and folk at 6 p.m. Friday, July 8, at Applegate Country Club, 15090 Highway 238, Applegate. Find Applegate Country Club on Facebook.com or call 541-846-1666.

Hog Wild: The band — guitarist, sax and harmonica player Dale Visage, lead guitarist Tom Bacon, bassist Jim Marvin, drummer Scott Wright and keyboard player and guitarist Albert Lee — will play rock, blues and soul covers at 6 p.m. Friday, July 8, at RoxyAnn Winery, 3285 Hillcrest Road, Medford. See roxyann.com or call 541-776-2315.

Hootenanny: The Rogue Grape will host an open mic “Hootenanny,” from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, July 8, at Rogue Grape Barrel Room, 515 Bigham Knoll Drive, Jacksonville. Open to all musicians for freestyle open jam and opportunities to perform solo if desired. Everyone is welcome to join in the songs. See theroguegrape.com or call 541-622-8622.

John Dabaco: Jazz pianist John Dabaco will perform standards and classics at 6 p.m. every Friday and Saturday, at the Hearsay Restaurant, Lounge and Garden, 40 S. First St., Ashland. See hearsayashland.com or call 541-625-0505.

Rogue Valley Chorale: The Rogue Valley Chorale, under direction of Artistic Director Michael Morris, will complete its 2021-22 season with the concert “This Land,” featuring American music which the Chorale performed at the National Memorial Day Choral Festival at the John F. Kennedy Center, at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, July 8-9, at Grizzly Peak Winery, 1600 E. Nevada St., Ashland. The program includes classic folk songs such as Woodie Guthrie’s “This Land Is Your Land,” an arrangement of “Shanendoah,” the American hymn “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling,” the Stephen Foster ballad “Beautiful Dreamer,” spirituals, jazz, and even some barbershop. Featured artists for the concert include Mikiko Petrucelli, piano, Laura Rich on banjo, Mike Travesi on harmonica, the barbershop quartet The Rogues (Ken McPherson, Steve Schoger, Brett Garrett, and Dan Fowler), and the jazz vocal trio Cascade (Stacy Shelton, Janea Stubbs, and Carmen Adamas). Advance tickets are $25, $30 at the door, $10 for students. For tickets and further details see roguevalleychorale.org or call 541-630-4822.

Steve Hopkins & Friends: Guitarist Steve Hopkins and friends will perform at 7 p.m. Friday, July 8, at Bella Union Restaurant, 170 W. California St., Jacksonville. See bellau.com or call 541-899-1770.

Haunted History Tour: Costumed docents will lead an hour-long “Haunted History” tour the second Friday of each month through Sept. 16, in downtown Jacksonville. Guests will be introduced to some of the town’s historic buildings along with the restless ghosts and spirits who still occupy them. The 7 and 7:30 p.m. courthouse tour features stories of brothels, epidemics and hangings. The 7:15 and 7:45 p.m. Britt Hill tour shares tales of arson, saloons and Oregon’s first Chinatown. The walking tours are not your “typical” ghost tours with special effects but are history tours about real hauntings resulting from past events. Tours are $10, and reservations are required. Reservations must be made on-line at historicjacksonville.org/haunted-history-tours, no later than 4 p.m. on the day of the tour. Tours leave from the Jacksonville Visitors Center at the corner of N. Oregon and C streets. Proceeds go to the maintenance of Jacksonville’s historic buildings. Call 541-245-3650 for reservations. For additional information see historicjacksonville.org or email at info@historicjacksonville.org for information or call 541-245-3650.

Dr. Green Dreams: The band Dr. Green Dream will perform a blend of country, rock, punk and psychedelic tunes at 9 p.m. Friday, July 8, at Local 31 Pub, 31 Water St., Ashland. See local31pub.com or call 541-708-6813.

Ashland Saturday Market: Fresh and organic seasonal produce, bakery items, artisan food, plants and other goods are available from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays through Oct. 30, along Oak Street in downtown Ashland. See rvgrowersmarket.com.

Medford Cars & Coffee: Car enthusiasts can meet from 9 to 10:30 a.m. every Saturday at 2780 E. Barnett Road, Medford, near Starbucks and Mountain Mike’s Pizza. The group will not hold meetings in the event of rain or snowy weather. Find Medford Cars and Coffee on Facebook for further information.

Grants Pass Growers Market: Find local seasonal produce, baked goods, beverages and more from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays at the corner of Fourth and F Streets, Grants Pass. See growersmarket.org.

Lithia Artisans Market: More than 40 artisans display and sell handcrafted items from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through October along Calle Guanajuato, the pedestrian walkway behind the downtown plaza that runs next to Ashland Creek in Ashland. Call 541-301-9811 or see lithiaartisansmarket.com.

Walk through History: Take a walk though Jacksonville’s history during a 1-hour guided tour at 10 a.m. every Saturday through Sept. 3. The tour will leave from Jacksonville’s Courthouse Square, in front of City Hall, 206 N. Fifth St., Jacksonville. Visit government and commercial buildings, fraternal lodges, and homes. Learn how gambling money built a church; how a saloon housed the county’s first museum; how the Civil War ended a successful mercantile partnership; how fire reshaped the town and a railroad both destroyed and preserved it, and more. Admission is free; donations accepted. All donations go towards the preservation and maintenance of Jacksonville’s historic buildings. Call 541-245-3650 or email info@historicjacksonville.org.

Meadowlark Comic Con: This pop culture and comic convention will feature celebrities from different genres of entertainment from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at the Josephine County Fairgrounds, 1451 Fairgrounds Road, Grants Pass. Special guests include Catherine Corcoran, best known for her starring roles in Netflix’s “Terrifier” and Troma Entertainment’s award-winning, “Return to Nuke ‘Em High” franchise; Brian A. Prince, known for playing in title role in “The Predator,” and appearing in “Black Panther” and “Captain America: Civil War;” Alan Fernandes, the last surviving Tusken Raider from “Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope;” and C. Andrew Nelson, Darth Vader in “Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back - Special Edition.;” as well as comic book artists Jorge Pacheco and Chris Marrinan. Atendees can also shop from comic book and toy vendors, attend panels and special movie screenings with celebrity Q-and-A sessions, compete in lip sync and cosplay contests for a prizes in kids and adult categories, and more. Admission is $11 in advance or $17 at the door. Children 12 and younger get in free. Group pricing available. For tickets and further information see meadowlarkcomiccon.com.

Historic Cemetery Presentation: Friends of Jacksonville’s Historic Cemetery will offer a talk and walking tour from 10 to 11:30 a.m. the second Saturday of each month through Sept. 10. A new topic will be presented each month. On July 9, talk will be “A New Form of Transportation - The Railroad Arrives in the Rogue Valley and Jacksonville.” The cemetery is located at the top of the Cemetery Road, Jacksonville, where you will meet your docents and parking is available. No reservations required; admission is free but donations accepted. For further details see friendsjvillecemetery.orgor call 541-826-9939.

Pet Adoption: A special SoHumane dog adoption day will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, July 9-10, outside at the Medford Food Co-Op, 945 S. Riverside Ave., Medford. These are healthy, adoptable dogs. Every pet will be up-to-date on routine vaccinations, flea and tick preventative, dewormed, microchipped and spayed or neutered before going home. Normal adoption procedures, landlord approvals, and dog meet and greets will apply. Applications for the foster and volunteer programs will also be available. Dogs and cats will also be available at the SoHumane Adoption Center, 2910 Table Rock Road, Medford, during regular hours, noon to 5 p.m. Adoptable dogs and cats can be viewed at sohumane.org. Call 541-779-3215 for information.

Historic Bank Tour: Step behind the counter of the oldest bank in the Pacific Northwest — Beekman Bank — from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, through Sept. 4, at the Beekman Bank Museum, 110 W. California St, Jacksonville. A costumed docent will tell the stories of 19th Century banking practices, gold shipping, and handshake deals. Begun in 1856 as a gold dust office, it’s the oldest financial institution between San Francisco and Portland. Preserved as a museum since 1915, it saw over $40 million in gold cross its counter during Jacksonville’s heyday in the late 1800s—worth over $1 billion today. Admission is free; donations greatly appreciated. Proceeds go toward preservation and maintenance of the bank. Call 541-245-3650 or see historicjacksonville.org. For further information and other season offerings, call 541-245-3650 or email info@historicjacksonville.org.

Rogue Gallery & Art Center Family Art Day: Kids and families of all ages can explore and create art from noon to 2 p.m. the second Saturday of each month at Rogue Gallery & Art Center, 40 S. Bartlett St., Medford. Make your very own art projects to take home and explore gallery spaces with an art scavenger hunt. All materials will be provided. Admission is free; registration is required. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Call 541-772-8118 or see roguegallery.org.

Pet Adoption: The Jackson County Animal Shelter will hold a special dog adoption event from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, July 9-10, at the animal shelter, 5595 S. Pacific Highway, Phoenix. The shelter will reduce the adoption fee for all dogs 6 months and older will be $50 plus a $25 licensing fee for Jackson County residents. These shelter dogs have been screened for temperament and health issues and determined to be adoptable companions. All adopted dogs are spayed and neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated prior to going to their new homes. A collar and leash are included for each dog. No appointment is needed for this weekend event. Application and screening requirements will still be required. For further details and to view all of the dogs available see fotas.org/summer-dogs.

Central Point Teen Advisory Group: Motivated teens in grades 7 to 12 can meet to brainstorm ideas, discuss books and movies, help make decisions on programming and displays in the teen library, make crafts, discuss books and movies, and more at 1 p.m. the first Saturday of each month, except July which will be held on July 9, at the Central Point library, 116 S. Third St. For further details or to register, see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-664-3228.

Blue Sky Ramblers American Music: “Lonesome” Tim Holt on banjo and guitar and Sandra “The Rose of the Canyon” Hood will journey through American musical inheritance, from folk songs and old-time cowboy songs to the restless, rootless side of American life that includes railroad and hobo songs at 1 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at the Jacksonville library, 340 W. C St. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-899-1665.

Oregon Oldtime Fiddlers Association: The group will hold a family-friendly public jam session and dance from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at the Roxy Ann Grange, 1850 Spring St., Medford. Acoustic musicians are welcome to sit in and play, and dancing is encouraged. Admission is by donation. Call 541-779-8145 or see ootfa4.org.

Phil King: The singer, songwriter and guitarist will play acoustic Americana-style originals along with a mix of retro cover songs across a wide variety of genres at 1 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at Augustino Estate at The Big Red Barn, 16995 N. Applegate Road, Grants Pass. See augustinoestate.com or call 541-846-1881.

Saturday Handweavers Guild: Those interested in weaving, spinning and other fiber arts can meet during the afternoon the second Saturday of each month September through June. For current meeting times and locations, which may change due to current COVID-19 restrictions, see saturdayhandweavers.com or email at kaffeens@gmail.com for more information. All skill levels are welcome.

Hollis & Hayworth: Singer and songwriter duo Dan Sherrill and Jacqui Aubert, along with Bob Haworth, formerly a member of the bands of The Brothers Four and The Kingston Trio, will perform at 4 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at Rogue Grape Barrel Room, 515 Bigham Knoll Drive, Jacksonville. See theroguegrape.com or call 541-622-8622.

Children’s Festival: More than 30 hands-on activities such as arts, crafts, science projects, storytelling and stage performances will be offered during the 56th annual Children’s Festival from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, July 9-10, and from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, July 11, at the Britt Gardens, 350 First St., Jacksonville. This year’s theme is “X Marks the Spot,” a pirate adventure. Older children can participate in candle-making, pottery and wood-working, while younger children will have a chance to make their own puppet, sand and easel art, have faces painted and more. Also look for live music and family-friendly performances. Dragon Deli will offer food, or bring your own picnic. Admission is $3 per day for kids and adults; all activities included in admission price. All admission and food sales benefit The Storytelling Guild, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing opportunities for children to be exposed to reading and access books. See storytellingguild.org.

Jeff Kloetzel: Singer, songwriter and guitar player Jeff Kloetzel will play an acoustic mix of pop, folk and soul, along with original songs at 5 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at Stone River Winery and Vineyard, 2178 Pioneer Road, Talent. Call 541-631-9583.

Pacifica: Vocalist Alissa Weaver, guitarist and vocalist Jack Fischer, and drummer Michael Whipple will perform at 6 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at South Stage Cellars, 125 S. Third St., Jacksonville. $5 cover. See southstagecellars.com or call 541-899-9120.

Stolen Moments: Guitarist Dan Fellman, vocalist and guitarist Conny Lindley and Walter Lindley on upright bass will play American jazz standards, Latin jazz and Gypsy jazz at 6 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at Belle Fiore Winery, 100 Belle Fiore Lane, Ashland. See bellefiorewine.com or call 541-552-4900.

Wildheart Music: Wildheart Music featuring Carla Bauer will perform a mix of light rock and pop songs at 6 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at Walkabout Brewing Co., 921 Mason Way, Medford. See walkaboutbrewing.com or call 541-734-4677.

Danielle Kelly Soul Project: Singer Danielle Kelly, guitarist Paul Turnipseed, drummer Nick Kirby, bassist Richard Meyer and Gordon Greenley on sax will perform soul and oldies from Motown at 6 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at Dunbar Farms Rocky Knoll Winery, 2881 Hillcrest Road, Medford. Tickets are $10 and are required to attend this event. For tickets and further details see dunbarfarms.com or call 541-414-3363.

Poetry Reading & Art Show: A poetry reading and art show featuring collaborations between poets and artists will be held a 6:30 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at the Talent Community Center, 104 E. Main St., Talent, just behind City Hall and Sweet Beet Station. Each poem read will correspond to a work of art. Artists include Betty La Duke, Bruce Bayard, Ron Hodgdon, Peter Van Fleet, and Daniel Verner. Poems will be read by two-time Oregon state poet laureate Lawson Inada, as well as Steven Kaucher, Ann Di Salvo, Laurel Winter, and Karen Wallace. An auction will be held of both paintings and poems signed by both artist and poet. Doors open at 6 p.m.

The Lynx: The Lynx will perform at 7 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at Bella Union Restaurant, 170 W. California St., Jacksonville. See bellau.com or call 541-899-1770.

Jacksonville Farmers Market: The market is open from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. every Sunday through October on the grounds of the Historic Jacksonville Courthouse, 206 N. Fifth St., Jacksonville. You’ll find local produce, fresh baked goods, naturally raised beef, local seafood, beverages, treats, prepared foods, arts, crafts and live music. Find jville.market on Facebook for updates and further information.

Craig Martin: Guitarist and singer Craig Martin will perform a variety of finger-style songs at 10 a.m. Sunday, July 10, at the Vintage Coffee House, 250 E. Wagner St., Talent. Find The Vintage Coffee House Talent on Facebook.com

Medford Railroad Park: The park, at Table Rock Road and Berrydale Avenue in Medford, will be open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the second and fourth Sunday of every month through October. Visitors can ride diesel trains and a motor car, see unique model railroad layouts and the Hogwarts Express, send and receive telegrams, tour historical railroad equipment and more. Admission is free, but donations are accepted. See ci.medford.or.us.

Deadbolt Mystery Society: Teens 13 and older can meet up to help solve a Deadbolt Mystery Society box, from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, July 10, at the Ashland library, 410 Siskiyou Blvd. All the supplies will be provided to be immersed in the story, find out more about the suspects, and unravel clues. For further details, see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-774-6980.

Northwest Bird Club: Owners and those interested in pet birds can meet at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 10, at Don Jones Memorial Park, 223 W. Vilas Road, Central Point, for the club’s annual picnic. Fried chicken will be provided; bring a side or dessert to share, your own chair and beverage, and some friends (human and/or feathered). See nwbirdclub.org or find Northwest Bird Club on Facebook.

Sanctuary Social: Equamore Horse Sanctuary will hold a free open barn social from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, July 10, at Equamore Sanctuary, 4723 Highway 66, Ashland. Visit with the horses and donkeys; refreshments will be provided. For further details see equamore.org, email at euqmore@charter.net or call 541-482-5550.

Tim Church: Guitarist Tim Church will play a mix of classical, jazz, Spanish and Brazilian instrumentals at 5 p.m. Sunday, July 10, at Callahan’s Mountain Lodge, 7100 Old Highway 99 S., Ashland. See callahanslodge.com/events or call 541-482-1299.

Jazz Vespers: Live jazz music will be performed at 5 p.m. the second Sunday of each month at First Presbyterian Church, 85 S. Holly St., Medford. On Sunday, July 10, the John Dabaco Trio — John Dabaco on piano, Dave Miller on bass, and Tom Freeman on drums, will perform. Also look for selections from the Jane and Robin Blomquist art collection in the Corridor Gallery. Call 541-779-1711.

Dayton Mason: Gypsy jazz singer, songwriter and guitarist Dayton Mason will perform at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, July 10, at Belle Fiore Winery, 100 Belle Fiore Lane, Ashland. See bellefiorewine.com or call 541-552-4900.

Take & Make: Kids and their families can stop by any JCLS branch to pick up a take-and-make craft kit during select dates. Each library branch offers a unique craft for every age group, from preschoolers to adults, and all need supplies are included in the kit. For details, see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar, or call the library branch in your area.

DART Mobile Services: The JCLS DART outreach vehicle, which visits a variety of locations throughout Jackson County, is a Wi-Fi hotspot and computer lab all rolled into one. Library staff, known as Mobile Services Specialists, offer use of their laptop computers, along with tech help and special programs and presentations. Anyone within a 300-foot radius of DART can access its Wi-Fi for free. To learn more, including the most up-to-date schedule of stops, see jcls.org/DART or call 541-774-8679.

Teen Gamer Day: Teens can play classic and new board games, Nintendo Switch or Wii from noon to 5 p.m. every Monday at the Medford library, 205 S. Central Ave. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-774-8679.

Kids Crafternoon: Children 5 and older can make a lavender-scented stuffed bunny to snuggle, read to, and share their adventures at 2 p.m. Monday, July 11, at the Gold Hill library, 202 Dardanelles St. All materials will be provided. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-855-1994.

Siskiyou Koi and Pond Club: Those interested in koi fish and fish ponds can meet at 6 p.m. the second Monday of each month. Club meetings are held to educate, support and assist other members with the hobby. Learn about building a pond or solving problems in an existing pond. Meetings are potluck dinners and held at members homes, outdoors by a pond. Call 541-601-5525 for directions to the meetings and further information.

Author Talk: Paul Barnes, former Education Director of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and author of “Paul for Pete: Politics. Theatre. Life. One Man’s Adventures (or, How I Became a Septuagenarian Fanboy),” will talk about his book at 7 p.m. Monday, July 11, at Bloomsbury Books, 290 E. Main St., Ashland. Admission is free. Call 541-488-0029 or see bloomsburyashland.com.

Paul Schmeling Band: The Paul Schmeling Band will perform jazz standards from 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays at Martino’s Restaurant and Lounge, 58 E. Main St., Ashland. Email at artymorlan@gmail.com or call 541-488-4420.

Ashland Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market: Seasonal fruits and vegetables, fresh-cut flowers, crafts, specialty foods, drinks and more are available from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesdays through November, at 1554 Webster St., near Southern Oregon University, Ashland. See rvgrowersmarket.com.

Daniel Meyer Pool: The outdoor pool at 1705 Homes Ave. in Ashland is open for lap and recreational swimming through early September. The pool will be closed on all Mondays. For information on swim schedules and lessons, see ashland.or.us/swim or call 541-488-0313.

Medford Senior Center Bingo: The Medford Senior Center will host bingo games for adults at 12:30 p.m. every Tuesday and Saturday at the Medford Senior Center, 510 East Main St.; $8 for six cards for 10 games. Must be 18 or older to participate. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. For further details on the games or for a full listing of activities and services available, see medfordseniorcenter.org.

Social Dance Club: Dance to music performed by Darren Kuykendall from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays at the Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, 3377 Table Rock Road, Medford. Dances include swing, foxtrot, waltz, cha-cha, Tango and more. You do not need a partner to participate. Admission is $5-$6. Call or text 541-941-1973.

Medford Cribbage Tournament: Compete in a round of cribbage with the local cribbage group at 1:45 p.m. Tuesdays at Mountain Mike’s Pizza, 2640 E. Barnett Road, Medford. All ages welcome. Call 541-499-1500.

Teen Live Action Board Game Day: Teens 12 and older can participate in a treasure hunting live-action board game at 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 12, at the Medford library, 205 S. Central Ave. Teens will play against each other, roll giant dice and step on giant spaces to get to the “buried treasure” before everyone else. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-774-8679.

Medford Teen Advisory Group: Motivated teens in grades 7 to 12 can meet to brainstorm ideas, discuss books and movies, help make decisions on programming and displays in the teen library, make crafts, discuss books and movies, and more at 4:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Medford library, 205 S. Central Ave. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-774-8679.

Sweet Adelines: The Southern Oregon Sound Chapter of Sweet Adelines International, a dynamic a cappella chorus for women, under the direction of Martha Segura, offers instruction on vocal technique, musical accuracy and showmanship. Rehearsals are from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at Eastwood Baptist Church, 675 N. Keene Way Drive, Medford. Call 541-595-8247 or see southernoregonsoundchorus.com.

Happy Together Tour 2022: The 13th annual hit-filled summer package, The “Happy Together” Tour, once again takes the stage at 8:45 p.m. Thursday, July 12, at the Britt Pavilion, 350 S. First St., Jacksonville. The touring sensation that has crisscrossed the nation delighting audiences for over a decade returns this summer with a show full of chart-topping hits from the ‘60s and ‘70s – an undeniable 61 Billboard Top 40 smashes. The Tour is once again joined by The Turtles, who also act as musical hosts for the evening. Along with The Turtles will be Gary Puckett & The Union Gap, The Association, The Buckinghams, The Vogues, and The Cowsills. Tickets are $64 for reserved seating, $43 for lawn seating, and $33 for ages 12 and younger. Gates open at 8 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at brittfest.org, at the box office, 216 W. Main St., Medford, or by calling 800-882-7488. For further details see brittfest.org.

ScienceWorks Hands-On Museum: A variety of interactive science exhibits are available at the museum, located at 1500 E. Main St., Ashland. The interactive museum will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday to Sunday. Many exhibits will be modified to reduce touch surfaces — fewer hands-on activities — and increase physical distancing. Admission is $12.50, $10.50 for ages 2 through 12 and 65 and older, and free for kids under age 2, $3 for SNAP/Oregon Trail card holders. Admission is $3 the first Sunday of every month. To purchase tickets or for more information, see scienceworksmuseum.org or call 541-482-6767.

All-Ages Storytime: Master storyteller Will Hornyak will present “Lifting Up the Sky: Tales of Heroes, Hope, and Wonder for All Ages,” at 1 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, at the Ashland library, 410 Siskiyou Blvd. Hornyak will take listeners on a journey of imagination featuring unforgettable characters, memorable plots and far-flung lands of myth and legend. From Oregon tall tales and Mexican fables to Native American myths, Irish legends and participation stories, Hornyak weaves a wide web of oral traditions into a thoughtful, engaging crafted performance. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-774-6980.

Senior Ice Cream Social: The Senior Services Division of Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission will host their annual free ice cream social for seniors and their families from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, on the lawn of Hunter Park next to the Ashland Senior Center deck, 1699 Homes Ave., Ashland. Live music will be performed by Ashland Brass. Chairs will be provided or bring your own. Registration required. To register call 541-488-5342.

Kids Crafternoon: Children 5 and older can make a lavender-scented stuffed bunny to snuggle, read to, and share their adventures at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, at the Talent library, 101 Home St. All materials will be provided. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-535-4163.

Teen Live Action Board Game Day: Teens 12 and older can participate in a treasure hunting live-action board game at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, at theWhite City library, 3143 Avenue C. Teens will play against each other, roll giant dice and step on giant spaces to get to the “buried treasure” before everyone else. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-864-8880.

Yarnia: Children 8 and older can learn to knit or crochet from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesdays at the Eagle Point library, 239 W. Main St. Supplies and instruction are provided. All levels welcome. For further details, see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-826-3313.

Teen Hangout: Teens 13 and older can face off during a Nintendo Switch Mario Kart video game tournament from 2 to 4 p.m. the second Wednesday of every month at the Ashland library, 410 Siskiyou Blvd. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-774-6980.

Kids Crafternoon: Children 5 and older can make a lavender-scented stuffed bunny to snuggle, read to, and share their adventures at 3 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, at the Jacksonville library, 340 W. C St. All materials will be provided. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-899-1665.

Kids Geology Presentation: Kids 5 years and older can join Bugs-R-Us to learn about the basic types of rocks, minerals, and fossils and how we use minerals in everyday life at 3 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, at the Shady Cove library, 22477 Highway 62. Oregon geology will be highlighted, and participants will receive free rock samples to add to their collections. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-878-2270.

Applegate Evening Market: Shop local directly from area farmers, artisans, and crafters, and hear live music by regional artists from 5 to 8 p.m. every Wednesday through Oct., at Electric Gardens Flower Farm, 8035 Highway 238, Jacksonville. See applegateeveningmarket.com or call 541-761-6502.

Hunter Noack: Pianist Hunter Noack will perform “IN A LANDSCAPE: Classical Music in the Wild,” featuring a variety of classical music which Noack plays on his 9-foot Steinway piano, at 5 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, July 13-14, along the rim of Crater Lake, at Discovery Point. No chairs will be provided; organizers recommend bringing low-back chairs to better allow others to view the performance. Custom headphones are included which allow people to wander away and enjoy Crater Lake and the unique landscape while listening to the performance. Tickets are $35; quantities are limited due to park restrictions. Not included in the concert admission is the park’s $30 per vehicle entrance fee, but yearly and senior passes will be honored. A 1.2-mile hike is required to get to Discovery Point; a limited number of cars with disabled parking permits will be allowed. Additionally people will be able to drive to the concert site and drop chairs and anyone who does not want to hike. For further details and to purchase tickets, email tickets@inalandscape.org.

David Cahalan: Singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist David Cahalan will perform at 5 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, at Hummingbird Estate Winery, 1677 Old Stage Road, Central Point. See hummingbirdestate.com or call 541-930-2650.

Jon Galfano: The guitarist and composer will play his original instrumentals at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, at Belle Fiore Winery, 100 Belle Fiore Lane, Ashland. See bellefiorewine.com or call 541-552-4900.

Nick Garrett Powell: Guitarist and singer Nick Garrett Powell, lead singer of the acoustic duo The Fret Drifters, will perform at 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, at South Stage Cellars, 125 S. Third St., Jacksonville. $15 cover. See southstagecellars.com or call 541-899-9120.

The Happys: San Francisco- based combo, The Happys, wil perform a blend of classic rock, grunge, and surf tunes at 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, at Johnny B’s, 120 E. 6th St., Medford. $10 cover. Must be 21 or older to attend. See jbsmedford.com or call 458-226-2722.

OSF Green Show: Free live entertainment is presented at 6:45 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays, through Oct. 1, on the Courtyard Stage adjacent to the Allen Elizabethan and Angus Bowmer theaters on the Oregon Shakespeare Festival campus, 15 S. Pioneer St., Ashland. See osfashland.org or call 541-482-4331.

Open Mic: The Phoenix Clubhouse will host an all-ages, all-talents open mic from 7 to 10 p.m. every Wednesday, at the clubhouse, 310 N. Main St., Phoenix. A different host will mc/perform each week. Drums, amps, keyboards and more will be available for use. For further information see phoenixclubhouse.com.

Southern Oregon Jazz Orchestra: The Southern Oregon Jazz Orchestra — a 18 piece big band — along with vocalist Dianne Strong-Summerhays, will play music for listening and dancing in the style of Count Basie and Duke Ellington at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, at Grape Street Bar & Grill, 31 S. Grape St., Medford. See grapestreetbarandgrill.com or call 541-500-8881.

CAAMP: Started by boyhood friends Taylor Meier and Evan Westfall and later joined by Matt Vinson, and most recently Joe Kavalec, the band will perform their heartfelt, folk-driven tunes at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, at the Britt Pavilion, 350 S. First St., Jacksonville. Tickets are $55 for reserved seating, $40 for lawn seating, and $30 for ages 12 and younger. Gates open at 6 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at brittfest.org, at the box office, 216 W. Main St., Medford, or by calling 800-882-7488. For further details see brittfest.org.

Medford Growers Market: Fresh and organic seasonal produce, fresh-cut flowers, crafts and food carts are available from local farms and vendors from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursdays through November, in Hawthorne Park, 501 E. Main St., corner of East Jackson and Hawthorne streets, Medford. See rvgrowersmarket.com.

David Barnes: Southern Oregon singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, David Barnes, will perform jazz and folk music with concert ukelele and guitar solos from 10 a.m. to noon every Thursday and Saturday at the Great Harvest Bread Company, 203 Genessee St., Medford. Call 541-245-3310.

Kids Crafternoon: Children 5 and older can make a lavender-scented stuffed bunny to snuggle, read to, and share their adventures at 11 a.m. Thursday, July 14, at the Eagle Point library, 239 W. Main St. All materials will be provided. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-826-3313.

Eagle Point Book Sale: Book sales are held from 12:30 to 3 p.m. Thursdays at the Eagle Point library, 239 W. Main St. Look for new or gently-used books, DVDs and CDs. Proceeds help fund library programs, activities and collections. For further details, see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-826-3313.

All-Ages Storytime: Master storyteller Will Hornyak will present “Lifting Up the Sky: Tales of Heroes, Hope, and Wonder for All Ages,” at 2 p.m. Thursday, July 14, at the Butte Falls library, 626 Fir Ave. Hornyak will take listeners on a journey of imagination featuring unforgettable characters, memorable plots and far-flung lands of myth and legend. From Oregon tall tales and Mexican fables to Native American myths, Irish legends and participation stories, Hornyak weaves a wide web of oral traditions into a thoughtful, engaging crafted performance. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-865-3511.

Create & Chat: Adults 18 and older can meet at 3 p.m. the second Thursday of each month to learn a new craft and connect with other community members at the Ashland library, 410 Siskiyou Blvd. On July 14, use old maps to make decorative refrigerator magnets. No experience necessary, materials will be provided. Pre-registration is recommended, but not required. A limited number of Take-and-Make kits will be available to create at home. For further details or to register, see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-774-6980.

Kid Crafternoon: Kids 6 and older can participate in a kindness treasure hunt, “Positivity Rocks,” and paint two rocks — one to keep and one to leave for someone else to find —at 4 p.m. the second Thursday of each month through August, at the Rogue River library, 412 E. Main St. For further details see jcls.org and click on Programs & Events and then JCLS Calendar or call 541-582-1714.

Summer Thursdays: Bring a picnic and enjoy the summer evening, stroll about the historic Hanley grounds, take self-guided garden tours, and tour the Hanley House from 4 to 8 p.m. every Thursday through Sept. 1, at the Historic Hanley Farm, 1053 Hanley Road, Central Point. The first Thursday of each month, in addition to Hanley House tours, you’ll have the opportunity to tour the Farm’s “old barn,” one of the oldest in Oregon that is still standing, and every third Thursday wagon rides will be available. All activities are free except the house tour, which is $10, $5 for children ages 12 and younger. For further details see sohs.org, email at info@sohs.org or call 541-773-6536.

Irish Music: Hear live traditional Irish and Celtic music by a variety of local musicians and join in dancing led by Alexis Jordan at 5:30 p.m. every Thursday at Dunbar Farms Rocky Knoll Winery, 2881 Hillcrest Road, Medford. Admission is free. See dunbarfarms.com or call 541-414-3363.

Dayton Mason: Gypsy jazz singer, songwriter and guitarist Dayton Mason will perform at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 14, at Belle Fiore Winery, 100 Belle Fiore Lane, Ashland. See bellefiorewine.com or call 541-552-4900.

Shine On: The trio — Steve Shine, Tom Stamper and Vernocia D’Leon — will play covers of Grateful Dead songs at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 14, at Bloomsbury Blends, 290 E. Main St., Ashland. See bloomsburyblends.com or call 541-708-0608.

Sasha Rose: Singer-songwriter Sasha Rose will perform acoustic original songs on guitar and African djembe along with a fusion of vocal looping with simple electronic beats at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 14, at Red Lily Vineyards, 11777 Highway 238, Jacksonville. See redlilyvineyards.com or call 541-846-6800.

Comedy Improv Sessions: The Rogue Valley Improvers, led by Thomas Hartmann who trained with Second City Chicago, will hold free improvisational comedy practice from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursdays at the Medford library, 205 S. Central Ave. For further information, email forinfoman44@gmail.com.

Trivia Night: Lighthearted games of trivia are available at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at Portal Brewing, 100 E 6th St, Medford. Participation is free; prize for winning team. Call 541-326-2261.

Ashland City Band: The community band, conducted by Don Bieghler, will perform at 7 p.m. every Thursday through Aug. 11, in the Butler Band Shell in Ashland’s Lithia Park. Music selections will include original compositions, Broadway show songs, marches and featured soloists. Pre-concert music will be played each week by a variety of small ensembles at 6:15 pm, including the Dixieland Band, the Rogue Valley Brass Quintet, the German Band, the Ashland Brass, the Rogue Valley Woodwind Quintet and the Jefferson State Brass. Admission is free. Visitors are encouraged to bring blankets or low-level chairs, as park bench seating is limited. A patriotic concert will be presented at noon Monday, July 4. See ashlandband.org for further details.

Nick Garrett Powell: Guitarist and singer Nick Garrett Powell, lead singer of the acoustic duo The Fret Drifters, will perform at 7 p.m. Thursday, July 14, at Bella Union Restaurant, 170 W. California St., Jacksonville. See bellau.com or call 541-899-1770.